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Cargo Insurance Calculator
To calculate the cargo insurance premium on a single shipment, enter the shipment value, cost of freight, extra expense percentage, and your cargo insurance rate.
Typically, shipments valued over $500,000 will require additional approval and modified rates.
The contents of this page are for demonstration and estimation purposes only. As such, activity on this page does not constitute issuance of insurance or final quotation.
In order to receive an exact premium quote, please request a quote or call us at +1 800-860-4810.
Did you know?
Freight is only covered by LIMITED LIABILITY COVERAGE policies.
Full Container Load (FCL)
up to $500 per container*
Less than Container Load (LCL)
up to $500 per outmost packing unit*
Air Freight
up to 17 SDR per kg (roughly $24 per kg)*
Road Freight
often is $0.50 – $5 per pound with varying maximums*
*Please note that these claim amounts represent the MAXIMUM a party will receive. Payouts of these max amounts will only occur when fault is proven and damage is considered to be of equal or excess value.
Cargo Insurance
Securing the proper cargo insurance is critical in mitigating the risk of financial loss to your goods within the supply chain. Cargo insurance provides coverage for your goods in the event of loss or damage during domestic and/or international transit.
Transit risks can include incidents that involve: rough handling, collision, overturn, theft, non-delivery, jettison (the act of casting goods from a vessel or aircraft to lighten or stabilize it), general average (all parties in a sea venture proportionally share any losses resulting from a voluntary sacrifice of part of the ship or cargo to save the whole in an emergency), and natural disasters, to name a few.
Cargo insurance may be written to protect goods shipped by sea, air, truck, or rail, and can include coverage throughout the distribution supply chain as well as while warehoused or in storage, as needed. Goods may be insured on a spot-shipment basis or under an open cargo policy.
Many cargo owners do not understand the risks inherent in transportation or have access to the resources to insure them. Clutch Global Logistics can provide you with high quality, full value insurance coverage for your shipments. Don’t risk your job, your customer, or your company because your shipment wasn’t fully insured!